AI’s Impact on the 2024 Global Elections
Thursday, March 28th | 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. ET
With billions heading to the polls this year, the stakes for global democracies are substantial. Generative AI advances and broad accessibility are already reshaping sectors with exponential growth expected to continue. How will these tools change the information ecosystem and how will governments, campaigns, and the public respond to new challenges?
Against this backdrop, the Institute of Global Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs together with Aspen Digital, a program of the Aspen Institute, will gather political affairs experts, tech executives, leading academics, and public servants for an afternoon of discussions examining how AI has played a role in the elections that have occurred already in Taiwan, Argentina, and Slovakia and more and what that means for elections later in the year.
This event is co-hosted by the Institute of Global Politics (IGP) at Columbia SIPA and Aspen Digital, a program of the Aspen Institute.

Thursday, March 28th 2024
1:30 – 4:30 p.m. ET
International Affairs Building, 15th Floor

Introductory Remarks
- Keren Yarhi-Milo, Dean, Columbia School of International and Public Affairs; Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Relations
- Vivian Schiller, Vice President and Executive Director, Aspen Digital, The Aspen Institute

Setting the Stage: Risks to the 2024 Global Elections
- Hillary Rodham Clinton, Professor of International and Public Affairs; Columbia University; 67th Secretary of State and former Senator from New York; IGP Faculty Advisory Board Chair
- Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency, European Commission
- Maria Ressa, Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Journalist; Cofounder, CEO, and President of Rappler; IGP Carnegie Distinguished Fellow
- Gillian Tett, Columnist and Editorial Board, Financial Times (moderator)

Implications for the Upcoming US Elections
- Jocelyn Benson, Secretary of State of Michigan
- Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security; Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Chertoff Group
- Dara Lindenbaum, Commissioner, Federal Election Commission of the United States
- Anna Makanju, Vice President of Global Affairs, OpenAI
- Hillary Rodham Clinton, Professor of International and Public Affairs; Columbia University; 67th Secretary of State and former Senator from New York; IGP Faculty Advisory Board Chair (moderator)

The Role and Responsibilities of Tech Companies
- David Agranovich, Director, Global Threat Disruption, Meta
- Yasmin Green, CEO, Jigsaw (Google)
- Clint Watts, General Manager, Microsoft Threat Analysis Center
- Vivian Schiller, Vice President and Executive Director, Aspen Digital, The Aspen Institute (moderator)

What We’ve Seen From Recent Global Elections
- Dominika Hajdu, Policy Director, Center for Democracy & Resilience, GLOBSEC
- Javier Pallero, Digital Rights Researcher and Activist, Argentina
- Ethan Tu, Founder, Taiwan AI Labs
- Anya Schiffrin, Senior Lecturer in Discipline of International and Public Affairs and Director, Technology Media and Communications specialization, Columbia SIPA (moderator)

Spotlight Interview
- Eric Schmidt, Co-founder with his wife Wendy, Schmidt Sciences; Former CEO & Chairman, Google (joining virtually)
- Hillary Rodham Clinton, Professor of International and Public Affairs; Columbia University; 67th Secretary of State and former Senator from New York; IGP Faculty Advisory Board Chair (moderator)

Closing Remarks
- Hillary Rodham Clinton, Professor of International and Public Affairs; Columbia University; 67th Secretary of State and former Senator from New York; IGP Faculty Advisory Board Chair